Thursday, December 4, 2008

Thursday, Day 5 - The day it started to sink in...

Well, it started off good,  kids got to school as normal, no dogs, 'cept when I came home from lunch I saw a huge german shepard and a big friendly yellow lab with an invisible fence collar on. well, I can tell you what I am not getting Angel! So during lunch me and Liz were playing phone tag with the guy fixing our car, he was a real jerk, totally ruined both our days. Turns out he wanted us to pay an additional $266 to fix our car when this is the 5th time we have brought it in to him. So, he finally gets mad and says he is going to do some work on it and void out our 2 year 200,000 mile warranty on our clutch. Anyway, you dont need to hear about that. After work, Liz brought over Makayla, everything was going fine, until the little ones had to go to bed, Jacob threw the camera and started having a little Jacob fit, hitting me so I scooped him up under 1 arm and carried him sideways to bed, he apologized, then as I left he started saying "i miss my mommy" so I gave him the tape player he heard your voice and smiled, but then proceded to unplug the headphones, throw the tape player on the floor and shove the headphones through the crib, honestly it was kind of a  cute fit, but then he proceded to say that he missed his mommy, after that Liz was looking at the daily progress reports, and found that Jesse was having a few fits at school, so we took him in the living room and had a little talk with him, so hopefully at least a small portion of that sunk in, his fits are also because he misses his mom. So, you are missed, a lot. Liz then put Jesse to bed and woke Jacob to have a talk with him. She told him that it is better to ask for and give hugs when you are sad instead of throwing or hitting. Then they sang a few Christmas songs before prayers -or should I say "Missmas songs". I hope you can get internet on Saturday so everyone can see you and say hi. Jessica is taking Katie and Julia on friday thru Saturday.... so they probably won't be there. 

1 comment:

Linda said...

Hi Charlie, it's Saturday mornng here. i get about 2 minutes of connection and then it's gone. I seem to do better at night. So I will try to video phone you on your Saturday morning, my night. Jacob's fit, Jesse's fit - hopefully watching the screen will help them. I have some "bad news". I won't be home until Sunday. The court wants me to have 2 full weeks with the girls. I tried to get a flight out on Friday night, but none until Saturday so you might start adjusting the MOM HOME on the calendars. Let Sandy know if you want Jessica or someone else to stay the weekend with them. I'm sorry, but I hear this is how this works in all the countries. Love you, Mom - PS Thanks for doing this blog it really helps me!