Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Tuesday, Day 3 - The First Letters From Mom

This morning Liz decided to make the big kids some eggs and ham, the big kids all woke up on time with their alarms, even Jon, they all ate and were off to school, (this time I brought a flashlight to walk them out, much better), I came back in and the little kids were waking up, so I went to take Angel out again, she was doing a little better this morning. So I went off to work, Liz emailed me saying that she had trouble with Jesse and Jacob. I got the first message from Mom today, saying that she was OK, and that she wasn't getting the girls that she wanted, luckily I read her blog, because I never got the email she sent. After lunch one of the babysitters called and said that she was supposed to take the small van to Special Olympics, but I had the small van so I suggested that she take the big van. When we got home Amy, (who prepared several meals for future meals today), said that Jesse was being "inappropriate" again, and was in bed when we got here, Jacob was too, Liz noticed today about the "progress reports" from Jesse and Jacob's teachers, Jacob threw books, and Jesse was noticeably agitated today. We gave the big kids their first letters tonight, They were excited to get letters already from Latvia (they came in one big envelope). The little kids were in bed already so they will get them in the morning. I just got a call from Children's saying there was a cancelation for a sleep study, and wanted to know if I wanted to bring him in. I told him that his mom was away till the 19th.

P.S.Got a call from grandma, she needed your SS#, then she called and said they wouldn't do it for anyone but you. So I told grandma that she was you, and she hasn't called back so Im sure that worked.

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