Sunday, December 7, 2008

Sunday - Day 8, 1 Week Down, 2 to go.

Well with one week down I can honestly say that this is going a bit easier that I had thought. Today went by pretty fast, we played most of the day away again on rock band, until most of the kids were getting restless and louder, especially Jesse who I had to prevent a couple meltdowns from happening today, but other than that nothing much happened, Leslie has an earache. Grandma stopped by to pick up the mail and then left which I find kind of odd that she hasn't come by for much more than that. All week and 1 visit. Sandy called to see if we needed a babysitter for the last weekend I told her I didn't know until it got a little closer to that weekend. Angel still has not gotten used to this she howls and barks all day, I kind of feel bad leaving her in her kennel most of the time, so I had the kids help me clean out the garage a little bit so we can let her roam free in there during the day. Well week 2 is about to start I hope it goes as good or better than week 1.

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