Saturday, December 6, 2008

Saturday - Day 7 - The Big Little Lie

Well, this is the first weekend I didn't have to work that I actually set my alarm in a LONG time. Despite the ample warning about a certain Jesse waking up bright and early, he didn't. Makayla slept in Veronica's room and I believe they were up before Jesse. So, we woke up and started the kids on their Saturday morning chores. They all seemed to do pretty good, very little coaxing needed. They were all pretty much done before mom called on the computer.  Leslie did an excellent job on her own cleaning the downstairs. After all chores were done we broke out Rock band and played most of the day away, everyone took turns with very little bickering. After a while I put in a racing game and everyone took turns playing that even Jacob. After a while I shut down the XBOX for a bit and I was playing on my Nintendo DS (little Gameboy portable type thing) and everyone crowded around to watch. Everything was going perfectly fine (such a loaded sentence), We had dinner, lentil soup, and the kids were doing their after dinner chores, when all of the sudden it happened, Jon brought me a bowl out of the sink almost completely full of lentil soup. Pretty anti-climactic if you ask me, but that's where it started. During dinner I read all the rules to all the kids, just for fun, and made a game out of what each kid couldn't eat, game show quality stuff right there. So when the bowl full of food was there, I asked the kids who's bowl it was, well if you know it was nobodies, and I kept asking, I had my suspicions right off the bat but I was giving that person the benefit of the doubt. After no body fessed up to who owned it, I turned on Rock band and started playing, by myself. All of the kids asked if they too could play, little did they know it was all part of the plan. I said no one can play until they tell me who's bowl that was, I instantly ruled out Jesse, Adam, and Jacob because I saw them finish. So that leaves 6 culprits, with 9 witnesses at the table I figured someone knew something, it took a bit of asking but I found out Katie had dished up the blue bowl, but switched it with either Veronica or Makayla's because one of them had more, she didn't remember who's. So  that narrowed it down quite a bit. I kept asking Makayla if it was hers and she said no, then I said so you are telling me that Veronica is lying to me? and she said no. She insisted it wasn't hers,  I asked her if she liked it and she said yes. So, now I decided to put her in a catch 22, I gave her another bowl of food and told her to eat it, you could tell by her face, eyes, and how slow she ate it that she didn't like it at all, but she ate it all. Hmm.... now if she finished her first bowl, she really wouldn't have room to finish a second, knowing her appetite. So now I have all the kids knowing/realizing its her, but she still won't admit to it, so, I try to wait her out. The kids missed movie night because of this and they know it, Katie grabs a bible and trys to find the thou shalt not lie commandment, and all the kids are trying to get her to say it. (She almost fessed up an hour and a half before she actually did.) Finally after all the kids were saying that she was making it so they wouldnt be able to play a game or watch a movie, (and after I left the room) she fessed up. Then we had her apologize to all the kids. Because it was now 8:00pm bedtime for all of them and she finally fessed up. So, since I knew it wasn't the other kid's from the get go, we decided to let them stay up and play rock band until I got home from dropping Makayla off, so, about an hour. On the way home I had Makayla choose her punnishment, and she chose doing everyone's Saturday chores next Saturday. Not sure if I will make her do it all, but she will do some. So, finally a blog where I can say nothing bad about the kids! Just mine.

Well, you and I know where she gets her stubborness from, Were we not just talking about the watch in the wall socket thing before we left?

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