Friday, December 5, 2008

Friday - Day 6, Criticize Charlie's, Punctuation, Day

This morning the kids got up and had some donuts from the food bank, and Angel got a special can of food too. I tried to take Angel with us to the bus stop this morning but she wouldn't sit. So, we had to leave without her. It was COLD this morning but probably not as cold as it is in Latvia. Liz said that the little kids were good about sticking to the routine in the morning, except for Jesse. He ran into the bushes when he was supposed to be waiting at the bus stop, and then refused to get on the bus. Liz eventually, after all the other kids were on the bus, got him on and it seemed to take the bus driver a bit to pull off. Liz called in all the prescriptions today, and when I went to pick them up they gave me 1 bottle (for Adam), and told me I could come back on the 6th and then the 11th to get the rest. So I went there to pick up 20 and left with 1. It was very unsatisfying. I felt like I wasted my time. So I stopped at dairy queen and got a blizzard, and the trip was not wasted after all. This afternoon we went to pick up the car, and what a fiasco that was, I went from work to Everett, Picked up the car, drove it from Everett to Snohomish, had Liz & Makayla drive me from Snohomish to Everett, and then we all drove here just in time too, it was 10 minutes to 7pm when we got here. When we got here Jesse was in his room, again. Jacob was being all lovey dovey on Liz for a while, when she got home, and he went to bed with no problems. Jessica took Katie and Julia home with her, I went into to Jesse's room, and made him get his pjs on, and well, he did, but as soon as I unscrewed his light, and locked his door, he started his usual screaming/pounding fit, for about an hour. Jon played Julia's XBOX, Adam played Legos, Leslie was being Leslie, and we let Veronica stay up until the big kids bed time, because she was good and looking forward to Makayla spending the night, and trying to get Makayla to go to bed at 7pm would be impossible.

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