Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Wednesday - Day 11, Name That Tune...

Everything went well this morning, I even got the big kids to mostly clean the table before they left, except for Katie, I didn't have time, I think she knew. So then I get back, and like the past few times after Liz and I telling Jesse to get dressed several times I had to stand in there and "light a fire under his butt". He's been doing that a lot lately, just doing his "thing" instead of getting dressed, he's pretty honest about it when I ask what he's been doing in there. So then I went to work and Liz took over, she said that Jesse listened and went to his stop and stood in line like she told him to, and then there was Jacob. She put Angel's leash on his harness and told him he was going to be Angel today, and that he was going to "puppy school" and he was good.
Both Jesse and Jacob got really good reports from their teachers today. When we got home Jon and Julia were at JROC, we got home at about 6:15 today when you tried calling a few times. Everytime the computer would ring the kids would try and crowd me, until I got pretty stern with them. Finally when there was a break from the calls I set up the Riga Webcam on the computer and let Jesse watch for a bit, he really liked it. After the little kids went to bed, I started playing music on the computer, its amazing what these kids do and don't know, I think I will do more music tomorrow or friday. I have 171 TV & Movie themes too, and I played a few of them having Liz and Katie guess the songs, Katie got the Little house on the prarrie within 2 notes, But couldn't for the life of her get E.T. When Jon and Julia got home I played a few more, Jon was a bit hyper, Julia knows a lot of them, including C.O.P.S. and others. The finally went to bed a 9:15pm, so they are probably going to be sluggish in the morning.

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