Monday, December 1, 2008

Monday, Day 2 - Off to school

Well, I was in charge of the big kids, so I woke up at 5:50am and brought Jon his meds at 6, all the kids got up on their own, except Jon who I had to wake up at 6:30 again, they made their own breakfasts we wished Julia a happy birthday and walked out to the bus, in the dark, tomorrow I am bringing a flashlight. When I got back and Liz was getting the little ones up, so I took Angel outside, she isn't handling the change very well, she didn't go to the bathroom at all, then I ate breakfast and left, Liz later emailed me saying that she was rushed to get the kids to the bus, and had a little trouble with Jacobs harness. I went home at lunch to let Angel out again, and the car was acting up so I had to take the van back to work, after work I went home to switch back cars, the babysitter was in the big van taking the kids to pizza Julia had taken Angel out when she got home. I took the car to the shop, Liz met me there and we went home around 7pm, Jesse was already in his room when we got back, the babysitter said he was being "inappropriate". Veronica was reading to Jacob. All the kids said Angel was whining most of the time. Veronica, and a few others needed things signed. We put the little kids to bed at 7pm, Jesse was being trouble again not putting on his pjs, I had to tell him again after Liz told him twice. He was finally dressed at 7:30 and went to bed. Then we went downstairs to play with the dog with the big kids, We let Angel play on the treadmil, she has never been on one before and she loved it. All the kids went to bed just fine. I reminded Jon to set his alarm.

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